Relieving Stress Through Journaling 

We've all journaled at some point in our lives, whether it was doodling on the last blank pages of a school notebook when we were younger or writing down our thoughts and feelings for the upcoming class project. The demise of the pen-and-paper journal is not...

What Is The Foundation of Learning and Youth Travel Education (FLYTE) Program?

Only teachers know the true value of education. Those privileged enough to travel the world and get good education know how rewarding this experience can be. However, not everyone has got the monetary means to make such a dream come true. Most people are unable to...

Top Audiobook Titles To Listen To While On Your Walk 

You may be wondering what the best audiobooks are to listen to on your walks, and the answer is that you can listen to any book you want to since it is likely available in audio form. If you want your walk to be more of an enjoyable experience where you learn...

The Importance of Natural Light For Work Productivity  

For many people, natural light would be the last thing on their minds regarding personal productivity. However, science shows that natural light can have astonishingly profound effects on worker wellbeing, mood, and productivity. Why shouldn’t it be that way...

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