Relieving Stress Through Journaling 

We’ve all journaled at some point in our lives, whether it was doodling on the last blank pages of a school notebook when we were younger or writing down our thoughts and feelings for the upcoming class project. The demise of the pen-and-paper journal is not expected anytime soon, despite the evolution of blogging and social media. Generations of teens and adults have used journals to organize their thoughts and find meaning in their experiences, and the millennials are still keeping the tradition alive. You won’t believe it, but over the years, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, and even Albert Einstein have utilized writing to stay centered, focused, and at peace. The best part? It’s quite simple to put into action of only 10 minutes a day, seven days a week. 

The Science Of Journaling 

Imagine yourself seated at a table; it can be anywhere—in your studio apartment or Starbucks. You’re looking at a blank page in your fancy notebook (a Christmas gift from your friend?). Spinning the pen between your fingers, still unsure about what to write. We can bet you would start by writing, ‘Dear Diary.’ Just like most of us, you don’t plan to continue because it’s too corny. You close the book and think to yourself, “What a waste of time,” But do you know that you just disregarded the most powerful life tool. Over the years, journaling has been backed by science to boost mental and physical health, memory, relationships, and productivity. What’s more important, it’s completely free. All you’ll need is a pen and a notepad. Not to forget, some motivation too. 

Relationship Between Journaling And Stress 

In simple words, journaling is a small act of jotting down your thoughts and feelings on a blank page. It can be typed, written, or doodled. Use paper or computer, whatever works best for you. How can journaling deal with stress? The answer is simple. Negative thoughts have a long relationship with stress and anxiety. Journaling helps you write down your ideas, process them in a non-emotional manner, and respond appropriately. When it comes to lowering the risk of depression in young people, a 2006 study by Stice, Burton, Bearman and Rohde found that writing in a diary can be just as helpful as cognitive-behavioral treatment. Hasanzadeh, Khoshknab, and Norozi’s research revealed that the simple act of journaling lowered anxiety in women with multiple sclerosis. 

When Is The Best Time To Journal? 

We’ve already discussed the importance of keeping a journal. But wanting to start journaling is one thing; really doing it is another. We’re busy people with so much on our plates already, how can we find time to sit down and write every day? We don’t believe there is a set time for writing a journal either you choose it to be the first thing in the morning when you wake up or before going to bed at the end of the day. What’s important is that you take out time to journal. To sum up, putting your thoughts (both positive and negative) in writing is a terrific approach to relieve stress and anxiety, whether you’re writing in a notepad, typing on a Word document, or just doodling. You can do it anytime at any location, plus it’s completely free.