Having A Relaxing ‘Unplugged’ Day

The constant hustle and bustle of our routine lives might keep us active-but only for a short time if you don’t give enough time to de-stress. Eventually, you will face burnout with no rest and constant action, which can massively deteriorate your mental well-being. Regardless of how busy you get, you need “me-time” every week, even for a few minutes. You need to do something that makes you happy, de-stress, and recharge. Some relaxing activities can be done while bonding with your children, indulging in your favorite hobbies, or hanging out with your family. These are some valuable tips to help you relax and focus on mental, spiritual, and physical health during your free time that best suits your schedule. 


Nothing is more rewarding than meditation. It keeps your body fit and does wonders for your mental and spiritual well-being as well. The best part: you don’t even need to wait for the weekend to meditate. Try meditating 20-30 minutes after you wake up or before going to bed are more than enough to do the trick. You can also include aromatherapy for even more sensational results and improve your sleep patterns. 

Write A Journal

Journal writing is therapeutic, calming, and exceptionally de-stressing. You can log whatever you feel like writing, the good things that happened during the day, or anything that made you feel happy-regardless of how insignificant it may seem. It helps you assess your feelings, reflect on your life, understand what’s going wrong, and hopefully feel motivated to correct and realign your goals.

Go Camping

Once a month-or preferably every Sunday, you can plan a camping trip, either by yourself or your loved ones. Spending time in the mountains, hiking, and preparing bonfires is a phenomenal trick for de-stressing. The more you connect with nature, the more you can let loose the tension piling up in your bones and brains.

Manage Your Errands

As you grow older, weekends aren’t only for parties or relaxation. Being independent means running your errands too but that is alright if you schedule a specific time for them.