Case Study Addressing Emotional And Physical Injury 

Medical advancements have proven that emotional injuries need to be addressed alongside physical injuries to ensure a complete, healthy recovery. So far, it is not a common occurrence to see professionals treat both emotional damage and physical tissue injury.   

The organization has acknowledged the need for combined therapy to fuel recovery, and their approach may be unique, but it has proven to be highly effective. One case was dealing with emotional damage have been critical to the proper recovery of an individual has been the case of Corey.    

Some researchers and scientists have proved that some animal kingdoms have the same sleep pattern as humans. In the 1950s, a study revealed that birds and mammals do indeed dream. The evidence lies in Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, which we call REM Sleep.   

Corey suffered from paraplegia due to an L1 spinal cord injury which was a result of an accident during work. His recovery was consistently delayed due to not only the physical limitations of his injury but also the emotional trauma he had suffered during his life. He was referred to Carrick two years after the injury and his initial days were full of pessimism and turmoil.   

Corey refrained from engaging with the staff and opening up about the situation. He was anxious, angry, suicidal, and had a problem with substance abuse.   

The team at Carrick spent endless weeks building a repertoire with Corey and earning his trust, after which they found out that he had a vast range of negativities in his life, from arrests to domestic conflicts, and generally non-compliant behavior. It even became evident that Corey went through an abusive childhood and that had been the basis of most of his abusive and negative behavior over the years, which not only affected him but also his family.  

The team at Carrick was able to help Corey by forming bonds with him which helped him to enact positive changes and improve his life. The plan curated for Corey was largely effective since he stopped substance abuse, went through anger management training and was able to curb his anxious and depressive tendencies. Eventually, Corey was able to mold into a better husband, father, and human being.   

All of this was practiced alongside physical treatment interventions with flap procedures, antibiotic administering, along with wound care, and a careful eye on any infections. Carrick also provided Corey with a nutritionist and helped him with housing assistance, along with helping with the transportation concerns he had.   

Corey was able to improve his life immensely with Carisk’s help and was able to find himself a home, along with a job at the gym where he worked. He was even able to achieve independence in terms of mobility and self-care.  

Corey’s case shows us how it is beneficial to adopt emotional healing facilities along with physical interventions when it comes to proper recovery from acute and chronic conditions. We will hopefully see more of these cases of recovery in the near future.